Want to register for the 2025 NSSA Spring conference?
About The 2025 NSSA Spring Conference
Our upcoming Las Vegas conference at the Planet Hollywood is from March 23 through 25, 2025. The conference has negotiated rooms at Planet Hollywood for a reduced price of $69.00. Rooms at this reduced will go quickly!
- Enjoy a cocktail reception, poster presentations, keynote address, and a networking session on Sunday (March 23rd)
- Board of directors meeting on March 23
- Complementary breakfast on Monday and Tuesday (March 24 and 25)
- Awards Luncheon on Monday (March 24)
- Seminar sessions, research presentations, and round table sessions on Monday and Tuesday (March 24 and 25)
Reduced early registration rates for all attendees registering before Feb 18th.
NSSA is offering a “Student Paper Competition” at the conference. Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit a paper and attend the conference. The scoring rubric and paper expectations are located at Papers will be eligible for peer-review process to be published in the National Social Science Journal.
Submit your student papers to [email protected]. Student papers are due by 2/18/2025. We have special conference registration rates for graduate students, $240.00, and undergraduate students, $180.00.
We have three-session formats, research presentations, traditional seminars, and roundtable session offerings; there is something for everyone. The proposal deadline is February 18, 2025. Use the link below to our new NSSA webpage to send your conference presentation proposal, register for the conference, and get your Planet Hollywood hotel room.
We are eager to welcome you to the conference and look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas on March 23 – 25, 2025!
For those participants requiring acceptance letter to attend the conference, please complete the proposal submission form and email it to [email protected]. Your proposal will be reviewed and a letter of acceptance will be sent to the email provided.
Need to book a hotel room for the conference?
Use the link below to register for the NSSA Conference
Interested in more information about the NSSA Conference?
Use the form below to send a message to the organizers of the conference